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Van-Tastic: the Cancer Research Wales van earns its stripes

Our much-loved small Peugeot van has had a facelift and an engine re-build and is back on the roads to collect your donations for our shops - it’s been wrapped in the very distinctive Cancer Research Wales pink, white, blue and yellow striped branding

The Cancer Research Wales striped branding is inspired by the DNA sequencing gels that scientists use to determine where genetic mistakes have occurred.

The DNA gels are artificially dyed in laboratories so they can be more easily interpreted and the colour palette we have used in our branding is derived from those dyes.

We’re very grateful to the talented Jay Hart from Outrageous Signs in Pontypool for designing the wrap and applying it to the van for us.

Thank you also to the kind staff at Newport Bus for storing the vehicle while Jay worked on it as well as taking on the task of servicing and rebuilding the engine.

'The van is very important to us' 

Lorraine Boyd, Head of Retail at Cancer Research Wales said: “Thank you to Jay at Outrageous Signs and Lee and Mark and everyone at Newport Transport for taking such good care of our little van and bringing it back looking and driving better than ever.

“The van is very important to us as we use it to collect goods donated by the public which we sell in our shops to help fund Cancer Research Wales’s life-saving research right here in Wales.

“We also use the van for our popular science cafes where we invite the public to take a tour of our inflatable bowel, meet some our researchers and learn about the research that we fund.”

Watch out for it on the roads this summer!