Donate in memory
Celebrate the life of a loved one by making a donation in their memory and supporting world-class cancer research. All our cancer research funding is spent right here funding vital research in Wales, and will help create hope for people affected by cancer today
Donate in memory of your loved one
Make a one-off donation and remember someone close to you. Your gift will make an active difference right here in Wales.
Set up a regular gift in memory
Give an in memory donation monthly to honour a loved one, creating hope for people affected by cancer today, and transforming outcomes for the patients of tomorrow.
Funeral collections
Many people collect donations in memory at a loved one’s funeral or memorial service. We are very grateful to everyone who remembers someone special with a gift to Cancer Research Wales in this way. We understand it’s a difficult time, and we appreciate you thinking of us.
Funeral directors can arrange this for you and send your kind donations to us. You may prefer to organise the collection yourself, in which case we can supply collection boxes and donation envelopes, or you can set up a JustGiving page or send a cheque once all donations are collected.
Fundraise in memory
Take part in an event, or organise your own, in memory of a loved one. Celebrate their life and raise money for world-class research to change the future for the next generation in Wales.
Leave a gift in your Will in memory of someone special
Leaving a gift in your Will in memory of a loved one is a powerful way to honour them. Your gift, and their memory, will help create hope for the next generation of cancer patients, for our children, and for Wales.
Donate your time as a tribute to a loved one
Volunteer with Cancer Research Wales and remember someone close to you as you support our vision for a Wales united against cancer.