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'Stripe A Pose'

Thank you so much for choosing to donate to 'Stripe A Pose' with Cancer Research Wales. 

Your donation will help create a better future for all people with all cancers across Wales. 

If you prefer you can make a donation in memory of a loved one.

We can only take individual donations online. Find out about paying in fundraising money or a collection, or other ways to donate. If you are making a legacy payment, or would like to donate on behalf of a company please get in touch at

Is this a one-off or a monthly donation?
How much would you like to donate?

Or choose your own amount to give


Gift Aid

If you’re a UK tax payer, and you’re making a donation of your personal money and not a collection from others, you can boost your donation by 25p for every £1 you donate – at no extra cost to you.

* I confirm that I would like all my donations, past, present and future to Cancer Research Wales (Charitable Incorporated Organisation, registered no. 1167290) to be treated as Gift Aid donations. I am a UK taxpayer and I understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference. Please advise us if your circumstances change.

Keeping in touch

Your support matters, and we’d love to keep in touch with you about our research and other ways you can help make a difference to people affected by cancer in Wales, including campaigning, fundraising and volunteering. We will stay in contact by post every now and again unless you ask us not to do so by using the contact details below.

Please let us know if you’re also happy to hear from us by email and phone:

You can opt out at any time, so if you change your mind about hearing from us, or how we contact you, please phone us on 02921 855050 or email us at

We promise to keep your details safe and will never sell them to any third parties. Your information may be processed on our behalf by carefully selected suppliers. Please see our Privacy Policy to find out more about your rights, and how we manage, use and look after your personal information.